Community Calendar

International Women's Day Movie Night

Mar 4th 2025, 6:00pm - 8:30am
Alice Springs Cinema
Contact Details:
Women's Safety Services of Central Australia, phone: 8953 5914 or email

Join us for a fun-filled evening at Alice Springs Cinema as we celebrate International Women's Day by shining a spotlight on the remarkable achievements and stories of women across the world. We will be screening White Bird.

International Women's Day Movie Night

Mar 4th 2025, 6:00pm - 8:30am

Join us for a fun-filled evening at Alice Springs Cinema as we celebrate International Women's Day by shining a spotlight on the remarkable achievements and stories of women across the world. We will be screening White Bird.

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About the film:

Julian has strug­gled to belong ever since he was expelled from his for­mer school for his treat­ment of Aug­gie Pull­man. To trans­form his life, Julian’s grand­moth­er final­ly reveals her own sto­ry of courage. Dur­ing her youth in Nazi-occu­pied France, a boy shel­ters her from mor­tal dan­ger. Togeth­er, they find first love in a stun­ning, mag­i­cal world of their own cre­ation, while the boy’s moth­er risks every­thing to keep her safe. The film stars Helen Mir­ren, Orlan­do Schw­erdt and Ariel­la Glaser.

Tick­ets are $10 per per­son and includes an item from the can­dy bar.

Date: Tues­day 4 March 2025

Arrival time: 6.00pm

Film starts: 6.30pm

Venue: Alice Springs Cin­e­ma. The venue is wheel­chair accessible.

Address: 11 Todd Street

Tick­ets: $10 — tick­ets include an item from the can­dy bar