Community Calendar

International Women's Day Breakfast

Mar 7th 2025, 7:30am - 8:00am
Women's Museum and Old Gaol 2 Stuart Terrace The Gap
$ 55 per person
Contact Details:

Celebrating 15 years of the Women’s Museum International Women’s Day Breakfast’s we again will be providing a special breakfast and speaker event in celebration of International Women’s Day.

International Women's Day Breakfast

Mar 7th 2025, 7:30am - 8:00am

Celebrating 15 years of the Women’s Museum International Women’s Day Breakfast’s we again will be providing a special breakfast and speaker event in celebration of International Women’s Day.

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The event, cen­tered around the theme March For­ward,” invites atten­dees to reflect on the progress made toward gen­der equal­i­ty and com­mit to mak­ing fur­ther strides for women and girls everywhere.

This year marks the 30th anniver­sary of the Bei­jing Dec­la­ra­tion and Plat­form for Action, a glob­al com­mit­ment to gen­der equal­i­ty. Over the past three decades, women have bro­ken bar­ri­ers, reshaped poli­cies, and ignit­ed move­ments that have changed the course of history.

Join us for this impor­tant event to hon­our the lega­cy of the women who have come before us and to push for a future where gen­der equal­i­ty is real­ized for all.

Inter­na­tion­al Women’s Day – March For­ward #march­for­ward #iwd2025

Women’s Muse­um of Australia

Fri­day 7th March, 7.30 – 9.00am.

Women’s Muse­um and Old Gaol, 2 Stu­art ter­race the Gap.

Tick­ets $55 per per­son (includes Break­fast and barista cof­fee and raffle)

For book­ings and more information:

Email: President@​pioneerwomen.​com.​au or con­tact Karen Eva-Stirk, Pres­i­dent WMoA: 0418853898.

Book­ings can be made by direct debit:

Women’s Muse­um of Australia

BSB 633 – 000 Acc No. 133763177

(invoice: IWD2025 breakfast)

or vis­it Eventbrite: Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day Break­fast Tickets