Community Calendar

Flynn's Grave Dash

Apr 19th 2025, 7:00am - 9:30am
Flynn's Grave Historical Reserve (Base of Mt Gillen)
Entry fees: $30 Adult members, $15 Junior Members, $40 Adult Non-Members, $20 Junior Non-Members U18
Contact Details:
Alice Springs Running & Walking Club

5km or 10 km footpath Fun Run or walk.

Flynn's Grave Dash

Apr 19th 2025, 7:00am - 9:30am

km or 10 km footpath Fun Run or walk.

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This is a love­ly, smooth and undu­lat­ing course tak­ing in some great views and oppor­tu­ni­ties for your per­son­al best over the distance.

Pram friend­ly


Prizes for mem­ber win­ners in open and junior in both the run and walk cat­e­gories in each distance


REG­IS­TER ONLINE or on the day


Vol­un­teers wel­comed! Reg­is­ter through the event tick­et types (some vol­un­teer roles have the abil­i­ty to run/​walk with free entry into the event included).

This will be a timed event. If you are not a club mem­ber, then you will need to pick up your event bib at the start. This bib must be returned at the end of the event. 

If you are a ASR­WC mem­ber, then wear your own bib for each event.