
Aquatic & Leisure Centre


ASALC is at 10 Speed Street, Alice Springs (off Gap Road) – a short 10 minute walk from the CBD

Please vis­it the Alice Springs Aquat­ic & Leisure Cen­tre Face­book page for cur­rent events & programs.

⚠️Tem­po­rary Open­ing Hours for 50m Pool⚠️

  • Week­days: 6am — 8am & 3.30pm — 7pm (Closed between 8am‑3.30pm)
  • Week­ends: 9am — 5pm


Sea­son­al Open­ing Hours

WIN­TER HOURS – from 1 May to 31 August:

  • Week­days 6:00am ‑6:30pm
  • Sat­ur­days 8:00am‑3:00pm
  • Sun­day 9:00am‑3:00pm
  • Pub­lic hol­i­days 9:00am‑3:00pm (closed Show Day)
  • **Please note, the out­door 50m pool may be tem­porar­i­ly closed for annu­al main­te­nance dur­ing the win­ter period

SUM­MER HOURS – from 1 Sep­tem­ber to 30 April:

  • Week­days: 6am-7pm
  • Sat­ur­days: 8am-7pm
  • Sun­days & Pub­lic Hol­i­days*: 9am-7pm
  • Water slide in oper­a­tion week­ends & pub­lic holidays
  • *Closed for Christ­mas Eve, Christ­mas Day & Good Friday

Please note all swim­mers are required to exit the pool 15 min­utes before clos­ing time

Facil­i­ties @ ASALC

The Alice Springs Aquat­ic & Leisure Cen­tre is a state-of-the-art facility:

  • Out­door 50 metre pool
  • Out­door splash pad
  • Out­door learn to swim pool
  • Indoor 8 lane, 25 metre heat­ed swim­ming lap pool
  • Indoor 20 metre pool with beach entry, dis­abled ramp access, indoor spa, lazy riv­er and a 4 lane learn-to-swim section
  • Two fun water slides – a sin­gle loop and a dou­ble loop
  • Hoist and wet chair for indoor pool access
  • Shad­ed grassed areas
  • BBQs for hire — book­ings required
  • Kiosk/​café recep­tion, spec­ta­tor seat­ing, admin­is­tra­tion, and amenities
  • Swim Shop, includ­ing a range of Zog­gs swimwear and accessories

Access to water slides is includ­ed as a part of entry fees

To book any of the facil­i­ties above, please use the form below:

View Pool & Lap Lane Availability

Click Here

ASALC Feed­back Form

Alice Springs Aquat­ic & Leisure Cen­tre strives to pro­vide patrons with a pos­i­tive, safe swim­ming expe­ri­ence, qual­i­ty facil­i­ties, and great cus­tomer ser­vice. To improve our ser­vice, we need and val­ue your feedback.

Please take a cou­ple of min­utes to com­plete the below feed­back form.


P: (088950 4360 E: info@​asalc.​com.​au