Community Surveys

Frances Smith Memorial Park Bike Facility Upgrade

Closing date: 07 Feb 2025

The Alice Springs Town Coun­cil, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Com­mon Ground Trail, the design con­sul­tant for this project, is seek­ing your input on the design and fea­tures of the pro­posed Frances Smith Memo­r­i­al Park Bike Facil­i­ty. Com­mon Ground Trail will also be facil­i­tat­ing the com­mu­ni­ty con­sul­ta­tion process to ensure the facil­i­ty reflects local needs and aspirations.

You can have your say via our online sur­vey and come along to our in-per­son session:

In-Per­son Con­sul­ta­tion Session:

Thurs­day 6 Feb­ru­ary, 5.30 – 6.30pm
Frances Smith Memo­r­i­al Park, next to the pump track
23 Kur­ra­jong Dr, East Side

Have your say!

Take the Online Survey

Online sur­vey

This sur­vey is an oppor­tu­ni­ty for res­i­dents and cycling enthu­si­asts to share their pref­er­ences, ideas, and feed­back, help­ing to cre­ate a facil­i­ty that is safe, acces­si­ble, and enjoy­able for users of all ages and skill levels.

Sur­vey clos­es 7 February