Community Calendar

Summer School Holidays

Dec 13th - Jan 26th 2025

It is with great excitement for Alice Springs Town Council to share the annual Summer School Holiday Program activities program for 2024-25!

Summer School Holidays

Dec 13th - Jan 26th 2025

It is with great excitement for Alice Springs Town Council to share the annual Summer School Holiday Program activities program for 2024-25!

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This year’s sched­ule is filled to the brim with excit­ing and inno­v­a­tive oppor­tu­ni­ties for young peo­ple to enjoy. The pro­gram fea­tures activ­i­ties from key organ­i­sa­tions in Alice Springs, pro­vid­ing the com­mu­ni­ty with a inclu­sive one-stop shop” for sum­mer fun!

ASTC will be offer­ing every­thing from roller-skat­ing to music and movie mak­ing ses­sions and, of course, pool par­ties! This year’s sched­ule is sure to pro­vide some­thing for everyone.

You can find phys­i­cal copies of the pro­gram at all ASTC facil­i­ties but you can also find the most up to date copy on the ASTC website.

Check out more info on our Youth Page


Roller Skat­ing & Laser Tag*

@ Alice Springs Con­ven­tion Cen­tre | Pop-up roller­skat­ing rink plus laser tag fun! Book online now! (All ages)

Unleash Cre­ativ­i­ty*

@ Cen­tral Craft | Free Arts and crafts activ­i­ties and facil­i­tat­ed work­shops. Art and craft sup­plies pro­vid­ed | 8952 4417 (Ages 8+)

Fit­ness & Squash w. Bet­ter Bodies

@ Squash Cen­tre, 13 Gap Rd | Use squash sport train­ing and men­tor­ing to increase social skills, self esteem and health. (Ages 6+)

Com­mu­ni­ty Cook up

@ ASALC, 10 Speed St | Cook­ing pro­gram to address food inse­cu­ri­ty. 0448 250 231 (All ages)

Made by ME: Ceramics

@ The Cre­ative Space, Page 27 Laneway | Spe­cialised art and edu­ca­tion pro­gram — learn skills like glaz­ing and fir­ing ceram­ics. 0412 053 550 (Ages 10 – 17)

ASTC Youth Zone

@ Alice Plaza, 36 Todd Mall | Come and chill with us at the Alice Springs Town Coun­cil Youth Zone locat­ed in Alice Plaza. Watch a movie, play a game of table ten­nis or do some arts and crafts. Con­tact: 0419 777 689

Rock­wall Climb­ing & Y‑Space Hub 

@ the Y, 71 Sadadeen Rd | This activ­i­ty aims to enhance young people’s prob­lem-solv­ing skills while also pro­mote com­mu­ni­ca­tion, patience and resilience. 8952 5666 (Ages 10 – 17)

Late Night Drop-In @ the GAP

@ The Gap Youth & Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­tre, 91 – 93 Gap Road | Drop in, 8 ball, com­put­er room, music, 3×3 bas­ket­ball, girls room, movies, food, Xbox | 0418 910 830 (Ages 10 – 17)

Ten-Pin Bowl­ing

@ The Dust Bowl, 29 Gap Rd | Strike it big at the Dust Bowl lock in. Food pro­vid­ed! 8950 0565

Pro­grams @ the Gap

@ The Gap Youth & Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­tre, 91 – 93 Gap Road | Come along to The Gap for a full hol­i­days’ worth of dif­fer­ent fun activ­i­ties! | 8952 3927 (Ages 10 – 17)

Preschool Sto­ry Time

@ Alice Springs Pub­lic Library | Build ear­ly lit­er­a­cy skills in chil­dren with a wide selec­tion of pic­ture books and songs in our fun, inter­ac­tive sto­ry telling sessions.

Music & Movement

@ Alice Springs Pub­lic Library | Get ready to groove and move at your Library’s Music and Move­ment pro­gram! Join us for a live­ly ses­sion filled with music, rhythm and fun.

Baby Rhyme Time

@ Alice Springs Pub­lic Library | Songs, rhymes, sto­ries and play are a won­der­ful way to devel­op a love of lan­guage. This ses­sion is designed to be inter­ac­tive, sup­porting fun and social pre-liter­a­­­cy education.

Brown Street Activities

@ 3 Brown Street, Tan­gen­tyere Coun­cil | Drop in to 3 Brown St for a whole range of activ­i­ties all hol­i­days! | 8951 4222 (Ages 10 – 17)

3×3 Bas­ket­ball

@ Yipirinya School, Lot 7399 Love­grove Dri­ve, Aralu­en | Join Hoop­ers Hopes for a game of 3×3 and good vibes. | 8950 0565 (Ages 10 – 17)

Christ­mas Craft

@ the Library | Join us for fes­tive cre­ative fun at the Library! Make some­thing new every day. 8950 0555 (Ages 3+)

Robot­ics Workshop*

@ the Library | Learn to build a robot using lego, then pro­gram it to nav­i­gate a course! 8950 0555 (Ages 10+)

Youth Art @ the Library

@ the Library | Call­ing young artists! Explore dif­fer­ent tech­niques and cre­ate your own mas­ter­pieces. All mate­ri­als pro­vid­ed. | 8950 0555 (Ages 10+)

Cir­cus Skills

@Alice Springs Town Coun­cil Lawns | Come and try cir­cus tricks! 8950 0555 (Ages 10+)

Teen Fit

@ the Y, 71 Sadadeen Rd | Activ­i­ties to keep mov­ing, build strength and fit­ness: Body­at­tack, Body­bal­ance, Bodys­tep, Core and Zum­ba. 8952 5666 (Ages 12 – 17)

Movie Mak­ing

@ Mul­ti­ple Loca­tions | On-loca­tion film­ing to make your own movies! 8950 0565 (All ages)

Card­board Cubbies*

@ the Library | All equip­ment pro­vid­ed to build car­board cre­ations! | 8950 0555 (Ages 4+)

Vir­tu­al Reality*

@ the Library | Pro­vid­ing a safe, fun space for young peo­ple to engage with emerg­ing tech­nol­o­gy — includ­ing vir­tu­al real­i­ty. 8950 0555 (Ages 5+)

Bikes Mwerre

@ Var­i­ous loca­tions | Bike activ­i­ties and oth­er rid­ing skill devel­op­ments. 0424 292 244 (All ages)

Skate Work­shop

@ Skate Park, 14 Speed St | Come & Try skat­ing and BMX work­shops. Snacks, giv­aways, music. Gen­der inclu­sive, all equip­ment pro­vid­ed. | 0419 777 689

Cul­tur­al Activ­i­ties & Mul­ti­sport w Blak­doll Sports

@ASALC, 10 Speed St | Fun with sports and cul­tur­al activ­i­ties w Blak­doll Sports — have a kick of the footy, hit of the soft­ball and a game of soc­cer. (Ages 10+)

Cul­tur­al Activ­i­ties & Mul­ti­sport w Red Cen­tre Warriors

@ASALC, 10 Speed St (All ages)

Cul­tur­al Activites w Young Yarning

@ Mul­ti­ple Loca­tions | Cul­tur­al activ­i­ties all around town w Young Yarn­ing. 8950 0565 (All ages)

Music w Young Yarning

@ Youth Zone, Alice Plaza | Hang out at Alice Plaza and make some music | 8950 0565 (All ages)

High Fly­ers: Drones*

@the Library | Fly a mini-drone, prac­tice launch­ing and zoom­ing around — and of course, learn about drone safe­ty. 8950 0555 (All ages)

Wet Wednes­days

@ Alice Springs Aquat­ic & Leisure Cen­tre | Free entry to the pool, BBQ, water­slides, inflat­a­bles and more! 8950 0565

Ten­nis Fam­i­ly Fun Day

@5 Traeger Avenue, The Gap | Free Entry! 0477 030 423 (All ages)

Youth Organ­i­sa­tions Cin­e­ma Screening*

@ Alice Springs Cin­e­ma | Relax and watch a movie at the Cin­e­ma! 8953 2888 (All ages)

Hol­i­days w Ten­nis Alice Springs

@Tennis Alice Springs, 5 Traeger Ave | On and off-site activ­i­ties: ten­nis, bas­ket­ball, swim­ming, crick­et, soc­cer, indoor movies & board games. 0477 030 423

Hol­i­day Ten­nis Pro­gram & Launch Pad

@Tennis Alice Springs, 5 Traeger Ave | Play ten­nis, have fun and learn new skills. 0477 030 423. Ten­nis Pro­gram: (Ages 6 – 16), Launch Pad: (Ages 3 – 5)

  • Book­ing Required