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Desert Mob After Dark | 16 October 2024

Oct 16th 2024, 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Araluen Cultural Precinct & Yaye's Cafe
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"Food is a great way of introducing country to people." - Rayleen Brown, Founder of Kungkas Can Cook Join us for a perfect Mparntwe evening of art, food and music!

Desert Mob After Dark | 16 October 2024

Oct 16th 2024, 6:00pm - 9:00pm

"Food is a great way of introducing country to people." - Rayleen Brown, Founder of Kungkas Can Cook Join us for a perfect Mparntwe evening of art, food and music!

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Desert Mob After Dark is two inti­mate evenings of art, food and music on the Aralu­en Cul­tur­al Precinct to cel­e­brate Desert Mob 2024.

The Aralu­en Gal­leries will open after hours for an exclu­sive view­ing of the Desert Mob 2024 exhi­bi­tion and talk by Desert Mob Cura­tors, Het­ti Perkins and Aspen Beattie.

Savour a deli­cious alfres­co meal incor­po­rat­ing bush foods designed, pre­pared and pre­sent­ed by Kungkas Can Cook co-founder, Rayleen Brown, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with our friends at Yaye’s Café. Rayleen Brown has a vast knowl­edge of bush foods and flavours from Cen­tral Aus­tralia and a pas­sion for shar­ing them.

Ntaria / Her­manns­burg singer-song­writer, Bron­wyn Stu­art will also be per­form­ing at After Dark, accom­pa­nied by bass play­er, Steph Har­ri­son. As a rel­a­tive of War­ren H Williams, Daryl Kantawar­ra and Her­bie Laughton, Bronwyn’s no stranger to the music scene. This West­ern Aran­da coun­try music singer-song­writer was sur­round­ed by music from a young age. Through MusicNT’s Desert Divas pro­gram, Bron­wyn record­ed and released her sin­gle Me & My Gui­tar’, fea­tured on the Desert Divas Vol­ume 2 com­pi­la­tion. Most recent­ly, she per­formed to great acclaim at Music­N­T’s Bush Bands Bash 2024.

For more infor­ma­tion and to pur­chase a tick­et, head to:‑p…

Image: Desert Mob After Dark 2023. Pho­to by Ivan Tri­go Miras.