Community Calendar

Apmerenge-ntyele (From The Land) Festival

Aug 30th - Sept 1st 2024
Desert Knowledge Precinct - 475 South, Stuart Hwy, Alice Springs NT 0870
Contact Details:

The Apmerenge-ntyele Festival will bring together First Nations people on Arrernte Land to share and celebrate 65,000 years of continuous connection to culture. Apmerenge-ntyele, the theme for the festival, is the representation of the Arrernte world view, ‘from the land’, representing the governance, law, culture and systems of learning and wellbeing that underpin the rich life and culture of the Northern Territory.

Apmerenge-ntyele (From The Land) Festival

Aug 30th - Sept 1st 2024

The Apmerenge-ntyele Festival will bring together First Nations people on Arrernte Land to share and celebrate 65,000 years of continuous connection to culture. Apmerenge-ntyele, the theme for the festival, is the representation of the Arrernte world view, ‘from the land’, representing the governance, law, culture and systems of learning and wellbeing that underpin the rich life and culture of the Northern Territory.

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Children’s Ground invites all First Nations peo­ple, from across Aus­tralia, to express an inter­est in par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Fes­ti­val by way of per­for­mance, (in any genre…traditional or con­tem­po­rary), run­ning work­shops or food stalls and start­ing dis­cus­sions that are con­sis­tent with tra­di­tion­al knowl­edge, prac­tice, future plan­ning or cel­e­bra­tion of FN culture. 

The fes­ti­val is a mul­ti-day event. Day­time events are open to First Nations peo­ple only and evenings are open to the wider com­mu­ni­ty with entry via donation. 

If you know some­one who may want to host a work­shop, hold a stall, share their food, present a per­for­mance or any oth­er ideas, please direct them to this EOI form https://​tinyurl​.com/​y​f​v​y762j or get them to con­tact festival@​childrensground.​org.​au.


Fri­day 30th August 

Event Opens — Cer­e­mo­ny & Music — 4pm — 9pm. Open to the entire community 

Sat­ur­day 31st August 

9am — 4pm — Work­shops, Pan­els, work­shops, dis­creet cul­tur­al per­for­mance open to First Nations only 

4pm — 10pm — Music Pro­gram­ming — Event Opens to entire community 

Sun­day 1st Sep­tem­ber — 9am — 1pm — Work­shops, Pan­els ect — Open to First Nations only 

Camp­ing is avail­able on site via reg­is­tra­tion for First Nations people. 

Here’s a link to the event: 


Loca­tion : Desert Knowl­edge Precinct — 475 South, Stu­art Hwy, Alice Springs NT 0870