
Animal Management

Alice Springs Town Council’s Rangers inter­act with the com­mu­ni­ty in var­i­ous roles, from edu­cat­ing on respon­si­ble pet own­er­ship, pro­vid­ing advice on live­stock own­er­ship, to stray pet col­lec­tion and admin­is­ter­ing Council’s by-laws with­in the local community.

To con­tact Council’s Ranger Unit regard­ing any of the fol­low­ing top­ics, please call (08) 8950 0500 between 8am and 5pm, Mon­day to Fri­day, or email to astc@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au

Pet own­er­ship & reg­is­tra­tion – for res­i­dents’ respon­si­bil­i­ties under local by-laws and pet reg­is­tra­tion information.

Report an ani­mal at large – to report stray, lost, or wild / fer­al ani­mals with­in the munic­i­pal­i­ty, please call Council’s Ranger Unit.

If you have found a pet, call the Ranger Unit on (08) 8950 0500 to organ­ise col­lec­tion. If you wish to drop it off at the Ani­mal Shel­ter your­self, please call 0490 393 825 pri­or to ensure there is some­one onsite to meet you.

Request an ani­mal trap – to humane­ly cap­ture pests, fer­al or stray ani­mals on your prop­er­ty (con­di­tions apply), please call Council’s Ranger Unit.

Snakes – to request a snake-catch­er, please call 1800 453 210.


Din­goes are a pro­tect­ed species in the NT. To report din­goes present with­in Alice Springs town­ship, con­tact NTG Parks & Wildlife Rangers on 8951 8250 | 0401 115 731. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion on din­goes, click here. To report wild or stray dogs, please call Coun­cil’s Ranger Unit.

Injured wildlife

Please call Wild­care Alice Springs (vol­un­teer organ­i­sa­tion) on 0419 221 128.

Ani­mal cru­el­ty and neglect

If you sus­pect neglect, abuse or you are a wit­ness to ani­mal cru­el­ty of any type of ani­mal, please con­tact the Ani­mal Wel­fare Branch on 1300 720 386 or send an e‑mail to animalwelfare@​nt.​gov.​au. All details remain con­fi­den­tial and you can remain anony­mous. The Ani­mal Wel­fare Branch has an autho­rised inspec­tor sit­u­at­ed in Alice Springs. For detailed infor­ma­tion on ani­mal cru­el­ty or neglect, please click here.

Please con­tact 1300 720 386 or the Police if you are con­cerned about an ani­mal left in a vehicle