Community Calendar

Organise an event

We have cre­at­ed an Event Plan­ning Guide to assist you in hold­ing events that are safe, inclu­sive and acces­si­ble to all mem­bers of our com­mu­ni­ty. This Guide is designed to offer advice and rec­om­men­da­tions on how to plan and deliv­er a suc­cess­ful event that is com­pli­ant with ASTC’s local by-laws, cur­rent indus­try reg­u­la­tions and legislation.

Coun­cil Require­ments — Licens­es and Permits

If you are inter­est­ed in stag­ing an event in the CBD, a pub­lic place, or at an Alice Springs Town Coun­cil facil­i­ty or site, you are required apply for a Pub­lic Places Permit.

    Oth­er Coun­cil forms you may require:

    Please ensure that you sub­mit as much infor­ma­tion as nec­es­sary with your appli­ca­tion along with a cur­rent copy of your Pub­lic Lia­bil­i­ty Insurance.

    Access for all

    Con­sid­er the needs of par­tic­i­pants and spec­ta­tors with a dis­abil­i­ty when plan­ning your event, par­tic­u­lar­ly with your evac­u­a­tion plan. If you are charg­ing an entry fee for your event, con­sid­er reg­is­ter­ing with the Com­pan­ion Card Pro­gram, which enables peo­ple with a dis­abil­i­ty who require life­long atten­dant care sup­port from a com­pan­ion to attend events and projects with­out incur­ring a cost of a sec­ond tick­et for their companion.

    Traf­fic Management

    Look­ing at hold­ing a parade or race for your event? A Traf­fic Man­age­ment Plan is need­ed for any event that varies the nor­mal oper­at­ing con­di­tions of any part of the Alice Springs Town Coun­cil and/​or NT Gov­ern­ment road reserve. Traf­fic Man­age­ment Plans, and the imple­men­ta­tion of these plans, are pre­pared by peo­ple who have com­plet­ed the rel­e­vant qual­i­fi­ca­tions in Advanced Work­site Traf­fic Man­age­ment and have cur­rent accreditation. 

    For Alice Springs Town Coun­cil owned roads, sub­mit an Appli­ca­tion to hold an event with­in ASTC Road Reserve well in advance of your event. For NT Gov­ern­ment roads, you will need to con­tact NT Gov­ern­ment directly.

    Com­mu­ni­ty Cal­endar

    Alice Springs Town Coun­cil’s online Com­mu­ni­ty Cal­endar is a great way to pro­mote your event, check for pos­si­ble event clash­es, and find out what’s on in Alice Springs. It is FREE to list your event on Coun­cil’s online cal­en­dar, but con­di­tions do apply.*

    Submit Your Event Here

    Pro­mot­ing your event

    To dis­play your street ban­ners in the town cen­tre, Coun­cil has a street pole ban­ner sys­tem where you arrange to dis­play your ban­ners, free of charge. Groups can also apply to place a ban­ner across the south Todd Mall entrance, on the dis­play at the inter­sec­tion of Lara­p­in­ta Dri­ve & Stu­art High­way, and on Gap Road.

    *For all terms & con­di­tions, please down­load the below document

    In-Kind Sup­port

    In-Kind Sup­port is offered to eli­gi­ble events in place of mon­e­tary val­ue. Coun­cil deter­mines in-kind sup­port on a case by case basis.

    For more infor­ma­tion on In-Kind Sup­port, and to Apply for In-Kind Sup­port see Com­mu­ni­ty Grants, Spon­sor­ships and In-Kind Support.

    In-Kind Support