
Pensioner Garden Waste Removal Service

Posted on 02 Nov, 2021

It’s time to prune the trees and trim the hedge because Council’s Pensioner Garden Waste Removal Service is right around the corner!

If you are an aged pen­sion­er and have green waste and clip­pings to remove from your yard, Coun­cil offers this FREE col­lec­tion ser­vice for senior residents.

Syd Kins­man, 100, is an avid gar­den­er and has used the ser­vice for years.

He said the pick-up days make it much eas­i­er for him to main­tain his large gar­den and that any­one who’s eli­gi­ble should apply.

I’m out gar­den­ing every day – it’s my exer­cise,” he said. I’m walk­ing and bend­ing and my mus­cles are work­ing all the time.”

In the lead up to the Coun­cil pick-up I can do the extras and give every­thing a good prune.

It’s real­ly good to have the Coun­cil bring their big truck, you can get your yard tidied in no time.”

The next pick-up will occur from Tues­day 23 Novem­ber – Thurs­day 25 November.

To reg­is­ter for the ser­vice sim­ply fill in the form on our web­site www​.alice​springs​.nt​.gov​.au and return it to Coun­cil by Novem­ber 19. Forms can also be found in Novem­ber’s edi­tion of Coun­cil Connects.