As per the the fes­ti­val brief the mur­al is sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly based on the life cycle of the Ayepe-arenye (Yeperenye) Cater­pil­lar. From egg, to feed­ing on Tar-Vine, Grow­ing larg­er, dis­ap­pear­ing under­ground to pupa stage then emerg­ing as moths. The blue shapes are based on the tar-vine, the main food source. Blue colour and cloud sym­bol­is­es the rains need­ed for them to emerge. The black sec­tion sym­bol­is­es the pupa stage under­ground. Fiona Walsh, a local sci­en­tist, was key in design­ing this icon­ic mur­al, pro­vid­ing infor­ma­tion and pho­tos about the dif­fer­ent stages of life of the cater­pil­lar. The art­work is 420 m² in size.

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