This mur­al is a colour­ful rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the vital­i­ty that sport and local cul­ture brings to the Alice Springs com­mu­ni­ty. Show­cas­ing hon­ey ants, bush bananas, bush pas­sion fruits, peo­ple gath­er­ing, spear hunt­ing, boomerang hunt­ing, wild flow­ers, AFL play­ers, Crick­et play­ers, Swim­mers, Bas­ket­ball play­ers, Soft ball play­ers, Ten­nis play­ers, Hock­ey play­ers with a blend of styl­ized pat­tern work. The colours were spe­cial­ly cho­sen to rep­re­sent local Indige­nous art­work styles through­out Cen­tral Aus­tralia. Each pan­el has received the input and sup­port of Tra­di­tion­al Own­ers and Local Artists cre­at­ing a piece that speaks to peo­ple of the Alice Springs com­mu­ni­ty and also those vis­it­ing from afar.