The Yeperenye Sculp­ture is a col­lab­o­ra­tive pub­lic art­work on dis­play in the Aralu­en Cul­tur­al Precinct between Cen­tral Craft and the Muse­um of Cen­tral Aus­tralia. It was devel­oped by met­al artist Dan Mur­phy and stu­dents from the Cen­tre for Appro­pri­ate Tech­nol­o­gy’s ATWork pro­gram. The three-metre high project cel­e­brates the Yeperenye (pro­nounced Ayepe-arenye) cater­pil­lar, the most impor­tant of the three cater­pil­lars that are the major cre­ative ances­tors of Alice Springs. On enter­ing the Yeperenye Sculp­ture you will find infor­ma­tion and art­works on the cater­pil­lar’s habi­tat, life cycle and cul­tur­al sig­nif­i­cance. The cater­pil­lar was dec­o­rat­ed with pan­els cre­at­ed at work­shops with local artists and school chil­dren. This project was cre­at­ed by the sup­port of the Grand Cir­cle Foun­da­tion. Each year the foun­da­tion brings Amer­i­can vis­i­tors to Alice Springs. Mon­ey raised from their trav­els con­tribute to com­mu­ni­ty projects all over the world.