The Lara­p­in­ta trail starts at the Tele­graph Sta­tion where I was born and trav­els right through the West Mac­Donell Ranges and fin­ish­es at Rutjipma/​Mt Son­der. When you walk the Lara­p­in­ta trail you will see this land­scape, all of this coun­try is Wal­la­by dream­ing. This dream­ing start­ed at Hamil­ton Downs and trav­els all the way through to Mor­ris Soak. This is an impor­tant place for rock wal­la­bies. I paint West Mac­Don­nell Ranges because this is my grandfather’s father’s coun­try and I want to let every­body know that this place and it’s dream­ing is still alive. This art­work was cre­at­ed as part of the Revi­talise Alice – Street Art Project 2020, which was fund­ed by the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Gov­ern­ment, and facil­i­tat­ed by Red Hot Arts.