Mechan­i­cal mon­sters rule the ever grow­ing nar­ra­tive that Caitlin Fos­ter is cur­rent­ly cre­at­ing. This

sto­ry is con­stant­ly evolv­ing through murals, draw­ings and poems. A F©Z’ mur­al trail is sprawled

across the coun­try, where walls are inhab­it­ed by dif­fer­ent mechan­i­cal mon­sters, rep­re­sent­ing their


Inner City Cogs’, explores the vast­ness of machines with­in the inner work­ings of a city, and their

rela­tion­ship with peo­ple and our poten­tial inabil­i­ty to func­tion with­out them. What is the common

city goers rela­tion­ship with machines among their dai­ly grind? These relent­less machines fed by

depen­den­cy and addic­tion — the inner city cogs will keep the giant machine going.