The Alice Springs RSL Sub-Branch, char­tered in 1932 with 12 mem­bers, was instru­men­tal in hav­ing ANZAC Hill and what is now ANZAC Hill High School and oval grant­ed to them as ANZAC Reserve.

The Rev­erend Har­ry Grif­fiths of the Aus­tralian Inland Mis­sion sug­gest­ed a memo­r­i­al be erect­ed on the crown of the hill and he was respon­si­ble for the design. The ash­es of Rev­erend Grif­fiths and his wife are interred in the memo­r­i­al. The builder was Mr Jack Don­nel­lan and the cost of 90 Pounds was raised by sub­scrip­tions, con­certs and dances. The road to the memo­r­i­al, poten­tial­ly more cost­ly than the mon­u­ment itself, was con­struct­ed with vol­un­tary labour from a small pop­u­la­tion. The ceno­taph and the area around it is Her­itage list­ed. (Mon­u­ment details sup­plied by Mon­u­ment Australia)