Lit­tle Sis­ter Camp, south of The Gap, train com­ing, goin’ to Adelaide.

Bin­di blokes, all them mob, deliv­erin’ that mail, lit­tle tjitji (kids), and that old man sayin’ don’t go to road”!

My sis­ter Bar­bara, sit­tin’ down, paintin’ camel. This me! I said This train goin’ to Ade­laide!” but she don’t see – too busy always paintin’.

This one, his daugh­ter, she’s catch­ing fish! All the kids sit­tin’ with grand­fa­ther in shade here.

This Bin­di bus goin’ past Piggly’s.

And this Traeger Park Oval.

Rock Wal­la­by watchin’ this woman catchin’ fish.

Car­a­van park, this side of Lit­tle Sis­ter, oth­er side of river.