Community Calendar

Speed and Acceleration Workshop

Mar 4th - Mar 5th 2025
Tuesday 4th 5.30pm - 7.30pm, Theory Workshop in the Andy McNeil Room, Wednesday 5th 6am - 7am Practical workshop, St Philips
Health & Wellness
Contact Details:
Tim Ellison

Running Workshop: The Technical Edge Theory and Practical workshops

Speed and Acceleration Workshop

Mar 4th - Mar 5th 2025

Running Workshop: The Technical Edge Theory and Practical workshops

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The­o­ry Work­shop | Tues­day 4 March, 5.30pm — 7.30pm, Andy McNeil Room, Alice Springs Town Council.

Prac­ti­cal work­shop | Wednes­day 5 March, 6am — 7am , St Philips Col­lege, Ulpaya Rd.

Key top­ics include:

  • The tech­ni­cal mod­el for run­ning and its rel­e­vance to: 
    1. Strength, pow­er and speed devel­op­ment in young athletes,
    2. Agili­ty,
    3. Injury pre­ven­tion and rehabilitation.
  • What does it look for coach­es of:
    1. Ath­let­ics (Sprint­ing, Mid­dle or long dis­tance run­ning events, all throw­ing events, all Jump­ing events),
    2. Team field sports, and
    3. Court sports.
  • Sup­ple­men­tary move­ment com­pe­ten­cy and strength development.

Nik Hagi­costas is a high­ly qual­i­fied and accom­plished sports pro­fes­sion­al with a degree in Human Move­ment from the Uni­ver­si­ty of South Aus­tralia and cer­ti­fi­ca­tions includ­ing Lev­el 5 Track & Field Coach, ASCA Strength and Con­di­tion­ing Lev­el 1, and a cur­rent First Aid and Resus­ci­ta­tion Cer­tifi­cate. With over three decades of expe­ri­ence, Nik has held pres­ti­gious roles such as SASI Pro­gram Manager/​Head Coach, Nation­al Coach for Mul­ti-Events, and Coach­ing Coor­di­na­tor for nation­al and inter­na­tion­al ath­let­ics teams. He has coached elite ath­letes to remark­able suc­cess, includ­ing Com­mon­wealth Games gold medal­ist Jagan Hames and Olympian Rohan Brown­ing. His ath­letes have achieved over 10 nation­al senior titles, mul­ti­ple junior and school cham­pi­onships, and inter­na­tion­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion at events such as the World Junior Championships.

In addi­tion to ath­let­ics, Nik has exten­sive expe­ri­ence in team sports as the Head Strength and Con­di­tion­ing Coach for Aus­tralian Rules Foot­ball teams, includ­ing the Syd­ney Swans and North Ade­laide FC, and soc­cer clubs such as Ade­laide City FC and Ade­laide Unit­ed. He is known for his exper­tise in ath­lete devel­op­ment, con­sult­ing for high-per­for­mance ath­letes like Mark Orm­rod and Tanya Van Heer. Nik has also con­tributed to the broad­er sports com­mu­ni­ty through his role as an IAAF-accred­it­ed course facil­i­ta­tor and as a men­tor to coach­es and ath­letes worldwide.