
Want to ask a question at Council meetings during public question time...?

Posted on 05 May, 2020

UPDATE: in order to make the pub­li­ca­tion of Coun­cil agen­da items, pub­lic ques­tions must be sub­mit­ted in writ­ing BEFORE COB the Wednes­day pri­or to each upcom­ing Coun­cil meeting.

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil has been hold­ing meet­ings via video con­fer­enc­ing over recent weeks.

  • Ques­tion: So how does the com­mu­ni­ty ask questions …?
  • Answer: If you have a spe­cif­ic top­ic of enquiry for a meet­ing, either aris­ing from the papers or anoth­er ques­tion relat­ing to Coun­cil busi­ness, please send an email to: eaexecutive@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au by COB the WEDNES­DAY pri­or to the rel­e­vant Coun­cil meet­ing the fol­low­ing week. These emails must be marked Atten­tion to the CEO’ to be raised at a Coun­cil meet­ing. The email also must include the meet­ing name and date (at which the item is to be raised), a brief out­line or a spe­cif­ic ques­tion, plus con­tact details and full name of the com­mu­ni­ty mem­ber to enable a response. This infor­ma­tion will be record­ed dur­ing the meet­ing and will form part of the meet­ing min­utes. Respons­es from Coun­cil will be pro­vid­ed as soon as prac­ti­ca­ble, fol­low­ing the meeting.